Bone Lake Water Quality
Waterfront properties are one of the sources of nutrient and sediment that flow into our lake causing algae blooms. Watershed and lakeshore property runoff contribute 45% of the problem as identified by a 2010 study of our lake. Some properties generate more runoff – those with steeper slopes, channels of water flow, structures or hard surfaces close to the lake, or a lack of natural vegetation at the shoreline. Your property might have at least one of these characteristics.
Here are some ways you can help improve Bone Lake's water clarity.
Schedule a Free site visit
Cheryl Clemens, our environmental consultant, will visit you. Together you'll identify no-cost, low-cost, and grant-funded projects for your property — projects that can improve Bone Lake and your investment in it, too.
To schedule a site visit
Contact Mary Chorewcz at 651-454-9456 , 715-857-6733 or email Mary.
Install a 10x35 Planting
The 10X35 Native Planting Program provides Bone Lake property owners support to establish small zones of native plants on their lakeshore. Native plants stabilize shorelines, provide a home for birds and butterflies, and add natural beauty to your property! A cost-share program will reimburse you up to 75 percent of the cost up to $1000. The native plant lists to the right address different soils and conditions Take a look at what's recommended for your location. Learn more about 10X35 plantings
Install a Water diversion/Infiltration practice
Large native planting or buffer, rain garden, rock trench, rock pit, porous pavers, road ditch stabilization or driveway diversion. For larger projects like these the cost share varies. These practices are funded at 75% of the total cost.
Update your Septic System
Bone Lake Management District will reimburse the property owner $2,500 to replace a non-compliant septic system. The District currently offers five upgrades each year. For more information or to schedule an inspection of your system, contact Richard Mackie (Mr. Septic) at 715-857-5205.